Eric Armstrong, Treelight Enterprises
eric at treelight dot com
When? Where?
June 9, 2010 at NetApp
Context-sensitive WebHelp using a “preview feature” in XMetaL
No user download required
Uses Javascript, XMetaL target (beta code)
Some customization required
Features (Pros)
Collapsible TOC
Index, search, browse
Print (but only single topic)
Does not launch if WebHelp already open
Links work (go to appropriate page), but framework not operational
XMetaL IDs are long and complex; Eric created his own unique IDs
For More Information
Tutorial by Su-Laine Yeo of JustSystems: http://forums.xmetal.com
Presentation: http://www.treelight.com/dita/CS_WebHelp.ppt
The demo page, to launch the CS help: http://www.treelight.com/dita/cs_webhelp/
Pics by DJ Cline .. http://www.djcline.com/2010/06/12/jun-8-2010-svdita-armstrong/