Meeting: DITA/Web Mashups

Anna van Raaphorst and Dick Johnson lead a very interesting discussion about techniques for leveraging DITA content on websites. Dick has created a Python script that “publishes” DITA content into two different web CMS systems, WordPress and Drupal. This content is treated as the “reference” material, and once published it appears as integrated content on the website. They have two different websites that make use of this technology ..

Handout: DITAmashups_20110209.pdf

Scott Prentice mentioned that he had implemented a method for exporting DITA content from a WordPress website. This was used to create a book honoring a retiring professor. Past students were informed about the website and they contributed comments to the WordPress blog. Scott was then able to export all of the comments (including pictures and formatting) to a single DITA file that was opened in FrameMaker, where it was then exported to PDF. The PDF was sent to to create a small hardbound book as a present for the professor.

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